
Accelerating technology adoption and why you need to care

Explore how businesses can thrive in a rapidly changing world by leveraging technology for increased efficiency, collaboration, and profitability. Learn why many organizations struggle with tech adoption and discover strategies to overcome resistance, improve digital capabilities, and ensure employee well-being in hybrid work environments.

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Get the Most Out of Confluence With Information Architecture

Is your Confluence content scattered and outdated? Without structure, it can quickly become unmanageable. Learn Information Architecture best practices for Confluence.
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Under the Dome

Culture & Values

Rocketeers Celebrate the Lunar New Year with Cultural Heritage Day

Symbolic feasts. Red envelopes. Noisy fireworks. The new year is a time to honor cultural traditions and past generations.
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Under the Dome

Culture & Values

Giving that Gives Back: The Kiva Card Recognition Program

This unique program honors the achievements of our global Rocketeers and enables global entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.
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Under the Dome

Culture & Values

Rocketeer Close Up: Cristobal Maulen on Enjoying the Ride

Cristobal brings skill and passion to the Santiago Apps Support team and to riding the trails in the Cordillera de los Andes.
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Under the Dome

Thought & Vision

Enriching the Lives of Customers and the Rise of Customer Capitalism

As the authors of Winning on Purpose point out, enriching the lives of customers creates a multiplier effect of financial results.
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7 Issues That Can Turn Your Cloud Migration Into a Nightmare

Cloud Migrations can be as unpredictable as the rain in London. You can perform 4 successful test migrations, only to be faced with a totally random error on production day.
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Culture & Values

Our Rocketeer Culture Feels like Family

We're all about having each other's back. As one Rocketeer said, “It’s a culture that tech giants can only envy.
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Under the Dome


ServiceRocket Welcomes Triathlete Sika Henry as Brand Ambassador

Sika Henry exemplifies resilience. As our first brand ambassador, we support her goal to make sports more inclusive.
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Under the Dome

Thought & Vision

ServiceRocket and Atlassian: A Vital Relationship that Keeps on Growing

Our company’s roots go deep with Atlassian. As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, CEO Rob Castaneda reflects on a shared history.
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Under the Dome

Culture & Values

Rocketeer Close Up: Foo Guan Sim

Komodo Islands, Gili Nanggu, Sibenik, Isfahan… ServiceRocket’s Think Team culture enables this Rocketeer to explore the world.
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Under the Dome


Expanding our Commitment to Salesforce and Jira Users

The Connector for Salesforce & Jira product knowledge hub champions the productivity of cross-functional teams.
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Under the Dome

Culture & Values

Rocketeer Close Up: Hanis Suhailah

What do plants and customer support have in common? We asked our lead of support services and plant aficionado.
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