Ready to do the best work of your life?
Support Engineers Are Smart, Tech-Enabled and
Collaborative. Are You?
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“Beyond collaboration, it’s the chance to express yourself and be heard.”
Cristobal Maulen
Senior Engineer, Customer Support
“We use the latest technologies and live chat and maintain strong relationships with Engineering and Product.”
Hanis Suhailah
Director, Support
“Our team has in-depth knowledge. Rather than solve problems, we proactively initiate human interactions.”
Dave Leow
Director, Support
“We make decisions for our personal growth, our team’s growth and the growth of the company.”
Andy Quah
Director, Support
"Together, We Delight the Customer"
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“We celebrate wins in our weekly meetings. We also joke around and talk about games, movies, TV shows, pets…”
Hanis Suhailah
Director, Product Marketing
“Thank you for being so responsive!”
Here’s how customers describe them.
“Hands down the best support in the Atlassian apps marketplace!”
“You guys are doing an awesome job.”
ServiceRocket’s support engineers demonstrate our values.
“Our daily huddles provide some of the best laughter, especially laughing at ourselves (which we regularly do).”
Daniel Brum
Director, Solution Management
Laughing together. Learning together.
“New Rocketeers have a ‘Buddy’ to help guide them. Regular check-ins ensure they’re enabled to do their best work.”
Isabel Quintero
Senior Consultant II, Solution Architecture
Every Rocketeer is supported and rewarded.
They Build Trusted Relationships with Global Brands
atlassian logo in greyDocker Logo
Every Rocketeer is supported and rewarded.
Tech Choice
Rather than a standardized computer, Tech Choice provides a monthly allowance so Rocketeers can choose the technology they use.
Grow the Tree. Share the Fruit
Rocketeers have the opportunity to be rewarded for their efforts based on the achievement of their personal goals and the company’s targets.
Work Life Balance
We support a work life balance that encourages Rocketeers to look after themselves and their families. Our #ThinkTeam culture has their back, so time away is stress-free.
Join a diverse and inclusive culture.
Check out our Support Engineer openings.
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We review applications to screen for a variety of criteria.
Intro Call
A quick chat with one of our Tech Recruiters to get to know a little better
1-Day Task
A paid take-home technical task, to assess coding abilities
Tech Interview
A paid take-home technical task, to assess coding abilities
Team Fit Interview
An Interview with a member of engineering leadership team.
We Make an offer to the candidate we feel is the best fit for the role