Streamline Product Development with GitHub for Miro

Accelerate innovation by merging code with creativity. Seamlessly integrate issue tracking and visual planning on a single platform for streamlined collaboration.
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Elevate Team Rituals, Amplify Results

Turn Ideas into Action, Streamline your Workflow

Convert sticky notes into GitHub cards, creating related issues in your repository with ease. Designed for simplicity and intuitiveness, making it accessible for all team members.

Foster Team Alignment

Strengthen collaboration without the barriers of miscommunication. Product Managers, Engineers, Designers, and Stakeholders all gain clear visibility of product development decisions and plans.

Save Time, Maximize Productivity

Speed up your agile rituals with bulk import and bi-directional synchronization between GitHub and Miro. Ensure data consistency and save valuable time.

GitHub for Miro

in Action

Effortless ideas to implementation

PI Planning

Facilitate quarterly and annual planning: discuss objectives, convert actions to tasks and milestones.

Design Feedback

Enable designers to map tasks & projects to  designs on Miro, fostering efficient feedback and traceability.

Agile Rituals

Lead efficient planning, refinement, and review sessions with bi-directional sync and visual collaboration.

Async Stand-ups

Run effective, asynchronous stand-ups for your distributed members using GitHub cards and Miro's Talktrack.


Transform brainstorming ideas into GitHub issues, set priorities, and track actions directly from within Miro.

Stakeholder Engagement

Provide stakeholders and executives with real-time visibility into project progress by leveraging a single, secure platform.

Unlock the Power of GitHub for Miro!
Supercharge your development workflow by seamlessly integrating GitHub with Miro. Sign up now to unlock the power of collaboration, streamline product development, and bring your team's vision to life.
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